Monday, November 30, 2009

Michael Wesch : Toward a New Future of Whatever

This is another interesting video by Michael Wesch. The ideas presented in this video relate closely to my personal life because I feel like that is the generation I am growing up in or I grew up in. We surely but slowly living our lives in front on the television and web cams. While it is helping us connect to one another but at what cost. From my college experiences you can see that no one cares what the person next to them is dong with their life. People come into the classroom have a seat and wait for the professor to enter they take notes and they live there is little to no interaction between other students. The vibe in some of my classes are hey I don't know you, you don't know me and we don't know each other so let me just listen to my Ipod and don't say anything to me. Me as a future educator I feel like I will have to find a different way to connect with my students than the way my teachers connected with me. If I don't we may have another lost generation on our hands. Watch this video for yourself at

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