Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Things I Have Learned While In EDM 310

I have learned and explored so many new things while I have been in this class such as blogs, wikis, presentations, Google Docs,Google spreadsheets, Picasa, podcasts, videocasts, YouTube, PLNs, Twitter, other teachers and students outside of my region, comments4kids, iTunes, iTunesU, accessibility issues and the use of html tag modifiers, who I am as a professional, Google forms, data bases, Google Earth, Delicious, ACCESS, ALEX, Foliotek, the future of schools, and my "intellectual trail". A lot of these tools will be useful to me as a school teacher thing like blogs, twitter, Google Docs, and my PLN I could see me using on a daily basis. I think I learned more in this class than I ever could have imagined. I think everything I learned will be useful to me in someway whether realize I am using the technique or not. The thing that excited me in this class was using Skype. I found it exciting talking to a class all the way in New Zealand and getting to know people personally without ever actually meeting them in person. The only time I was bored in class was when sometimes you would over explain things and go over the same things we may have already discussed over and over sometimes. I wouldn't take away anything from the course. I still don't think I am technology literate, I think I still have a long way to go before I can call myself technology literate. Between now and the time I graduate I plan on keeping myself up to date with technology by to continuing to use it and trying to establish me a strong PLN.

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